The Fulfilled Sista (#TripleM Effect) PDF Print E-mail


She looks at her past with a wide smile. She engages her future with a bubbly laugh.
Does she have some mistakes to her credit as penned down by her yesterday? YES!
This in no way means that her tomorrow is all roses and caviar.
She has pledged to always make her tomorrow a model for her yesterday.
How she does this is quite simple. She ensures that her yesterday is truly jealous of the achievements of today.
She loves God in a manner that can only be imagined.
She is totally crazy about her husband.
She dotes on her children like a mother hen.
Her marriage is sacred and she will always revel in the joy of marriage.
In the market Square, she showcases an astonishing level of expertise and commitment.
She is purpose driven.
She is a Sista.
She is a fulfilled Sista.
She has got the #TripleM effect

The above thoughts I can confidently state 'trust me' are the everyday wishes of the everyday Sista.
Not to run at a risk of befuddling you, I will now unravel what the #TripleM effect is.

#TripleM => A straight to the point summary of the ever salient 3-pronged aspects of everyday life.
It basically consists of Ministry, Marriage and Market Square.
Could Ministry be assumed to be the most important of the three above? I doubt this.
Ministry explores the relationship with God and the accompanying joy one gets in the everyday faith walk.
It is very key but must not be embraced at the expense of the other 2 M's.

Marriage is an institution that holds a lot of sanctity.
In marriage, the fulfilled Sista is aware of the needs of her husband, the longings of her children,
the excesses and demands of her in-laws and most importantly, the 'me' moments. Those rare but inspiring moments where she pampers herself to constantly be of extreme value add to the members of her nuclear cum extended family.

The Market Square is so broad. It encompasses all aspects of business. It ranges from trading, politics, entertainment,
self realization, office politics, relationship with clients, customers and colleagues. Everyday transactions that rewards financially etc. The rules of dating, courtship, friendship and so much more.

I advocate a perfect blend of the #TripleM effect for every Sista.
My online mentor, Dr. Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili actually tweeted on the 18th of February, 2012
"I preach balance. Only a flaky and vain woman would allow success in trade or profession, compromise their important role as wife and mother"
The above was in respect of a question posed at her on the effect of non-balancing leading to juvenile delinquency.
The tweet captures the critical mass of the #TripleM effect.

I have no plans of rechanneling your thoughts in a way that would perfectly align with mine but I can assure
you albeit subtly that my life has been simplified ever since I summarized the essence of my fulfillment in just one word "#TripleM"
My decision making moments has become easy. I can undoubtedly say that my every day journey into fulfilment have been made simple as I consistently view life as one word.

You are a fulfilled Sista.
You are "YOU"nique.
You have got the #TripleM effect.

Take charge!

My name is Blossom of the blcompère brand. I am a soon to be published Author, a certified Blogger and an amazing Compère and most recently, a lousy Designer... as simple as A. B. C. D.


CLICK HERE to connect with me.




# S.e.gun 2012-03-11 10:04
Another simple but amazing flow of words. I like that considerable effort that is put into making your write-ups simple to follow. You truly live the simple as ABC life. Carry go already. lol. *thumbs up*
# Blossom 2012-03-12 07:23
Thank you Sir. I always have this mentality that writers should not just write for their fellow writers. Simplicity is the new Sexy! Cheers boss.
# Chichi of Africa 2012-03-12 06:35
This captures my aspirations. I dream of being a superwoman by excelling at home, at work and in ministry. This post and the essence of your brand 3M captures it all for me. I can't wait for the book. Well done!
# Blossom 2012-03-12 07:28
Thank you sweetheart. The book is progressing well. This is just a sneak out of the book. We all should aim for the #TripleM effect. Thanks so much.
# Noel 2012-03-12 11:12
In life, balance is every thing!
# Blossom 2012-03-12 16:10
Very simply put. I totally agree.
# Jenny chisom 2012-03-12 18:55
Well done Blossom... I love your use of words... You rock dear!
# Blossom 2012-03-14 08:53
Wow! Coming from a publisher, I am so humbled. Thank you very much darling.
# femmelounge 2012-03-29 18:27
Yep! Balance is key and doing our best in all three areas will help to achieve it.
# Blossom 2012-03-30 08:32
A little simplification would be the first step toward rational living, I think - Eleanor Roosevelt. This is my all time high of all of Eleanor's quotes. Trust me, #TripleM effect is dependent on the above quote.

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