I learnt how to sell my Stupidity on the 3rd of March, 2012 Print E-mail

I woke up on this very morning and like a very stupid lady, I immediately reached out for my phone and did a whole bunch of early morning tweeting.
Before I knew it the clock chimed 7am, I finally put the phone aside and had my moment with my lord. I then grabbed my breakfast and sashayed to the bathroom for my morning rituals.
I hopped into a waiting BRT bus and bam! I was on my way to the prestigious Extreme Marketing Boot camp organized by my friend and brother Okechukwu Ofili the tutor of stupidity himself. He even wrote a book titled “How stupidity saved my life”



The ride was fun; I actually chatted up my co passenger and most definitely dropped a copy of my Social Card with her.
Due to my assumption that everywhere had an almost non existing traffic situation like Abuja, I got to the venue an hour behind schedule. All good, I did not miss so much thanks to the awesome “African time” syndrome.

I was received warmly at the registration desk and promptly entered the event hall. As soon as I took my seat, I was jolted up by a surprise announcement by Ofili that I should stand to receive a thunderous clap from all the participants. I felt like a princess for a fleeting 5 seconds. What was my “offence” Lol! I did not receive the clap because I came late rather it was as a result of the momentum and energy that I implemented the secrets and tips Ofili shared with us at the pioneer Marketing boot camp held sometime in October, 2011.
Ofili’s session continued after this time out. Do not think that I would share any of what I learnt from him. ***Drop your e/mail as a comment and I will gladly notify you of the time and venue for the next boot camp***
I deduced from the entire sessions albeit blended with fresh air and networking breaks that Ofili is an amazing individual. He is hyper creative and best of all, his humility is astonishing.
In the course of the event the awesome and super celebrity of blogging in Nigeria and as a matter of fact Africa walked into the hall amidst so much Ohs! And Ahs!
Do I need to introduce Linda Ikeji as the subject of the above paragraph? Definitely NO! She is a brand all by herself. She intimated us with loads of blogging tips and secrets that made me raise my respect for her a notch higher. Linda shared some amazing facts about her journey into the blogging sector of the economy and her present blog dominance.

Immediately after the session with Linda, an astute an awesome lady called Toyin Adesola, the team leader at Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management Initiative (SAMI) held a session where she explored the pains and gains of living with Sickle Cell Anemia. An auction was then conducted by Ofili to raise funds for SAMI. Some awesome sketches of life made by Ofili were sold and the funds raised were matched Naira for Naira by Ofili. This was the salient point of the day.

The day ended with a wrap up session by Ofili and I felt so fulfilled.

Summary: My investment paid off. I have received smart procedures to sell my most stupid ideas. It was worth the trip.

Take charge!

My name is Blossom of the blcompère brand. I am a soon to be published Author, a certified Blogger and an amazing Compère and most recently, a lousy Designer... as simple as A. B. C. D.


CLICK HERE to connect with me.


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