GTB Asset Management Launches #myPASS Print E-mail

GTB Asset Management (GTBAM) launches myPASS, an investment product that guarantees an investor’s initial capital while also assuring him/her

of profit. myPASS was primarily developed for professionals & entrepreneurs who are working hard to build their careers and businesses, but do not

have the time to develop and monitor investments.

myPASS is a Project Aimed Savings Scheme that ensures an investor gets appreciable returns on savings and investments without taking any risks

on the principal.

It is suitable for individuals looking to save towards special projects, school fees, vacation, pilgrimage, property etc.

Follow on Twitter: @GTBAsset

Twitter Event Hashtag: #myPASS

There are three product categories in myPASS: Orange, Silver & Gold.

With a minimum investment of N100,000 clients are entitled to a 10 - 14% return on investment, depending on the level of their investment.

Silver and Gold account holders are also entitled to free financial planning and can use their deposits as collateral.

A myPASS account can be opened on behalf of a loved one, making it suitable for christening ceremonies, birthdays and scholarships.

All myPASS clients receive a “monthly deals newsletter” informing them of new investment opportunities in the capital & money markets, real

estate and so on.

About GTB Asset Management:

GTB Asset Management (GTBAM) is built on the pedigree & values of GTBank and until recently was the asset management subsidiary of the Bank.

The company provides investment advisory, asset management, stock broking & trusteeship services.

Contact Details Address:

#37, Karimu Kotun Street, Victoria Island, Lagos Street Telephone: 234 (1) 448 8888.











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